America’s Oldest Furrier
Est. 1889

orioleOpening day is right around the corner. Spring is finally bringing in some beautiful weather, and the fear of possible snow is finally gone. You went in your closet and dug out that Oriole’s baseball cap, you put the screens back in your windows, and you traded in that fur coat for a light jacket. It finally feels good to take your dog on a walk and spend some time in the great outdoors. But, most importantly you are starting to feel the pull that is spring cleaning.

While you are pulling out your spring clothes and packing away the winter clothes into the cross spaces and basements, make sure you properly take care of your fur coat. Fur storage is perhaps the most important thing when it comes to ensuring longevity. If you properly take care of your fur, it can last for generations as an heirloom. Because fur is organic, it requires preventative care to slow the drying process.

storageThe best way to know when it’s time to bring your fur in for storage is when you start to see people in their Oriole gear. Ideally, prime storage time is from April- October. These are your warmest months on the year, and that hot air is no friend of your furs. You will want to store with a professional furrier who has a temperature and humidity controlled vault.  Once the Orioles win the World Series, it will be time to take your fur back home. But, until then, happy spring cleaning!